I won?

Yay! I won a fake prize in a fake online trivia game!

But seriously, I also won a “slightly” bigger prize in this week’s contest on the Norwegian technology news website digi.no, a KiSS DP-558 Digital Video Recorder. Yeah, I was surprised myself when a representative called me to say I won, and then see my name show up as the winner on the page for next week’s contets (which is always where last week’s winner is announced). The part where my name appeared confirmed that it wasn’t a joke. Hopefully, it will arrive at my doorstep (or at least at the local post office) sometime around next week.

According to the specs, it comes with a hard drive of its own, a network connection, a builtin DVD player, an online TV guide, an Internet radio player, online weather report, online games and the ability to play the videos on my other computer. The online features works through the network connection (I just need to plug it in to my existing home network, and ka-blam!). And specified on the contest page, I won the edition with a 80 GB hard drive. That still makes me able to record my fave TV shows without having to stay up late and lose sleep on weekdays.

Fun, fun, fun!

In other news, I now have a fully operational server (AMD64 1.8GHz with 1 GB RAM and a total of 500 GB disk space), conveniently located at the server room of where I work and with the Internet connection it comes with. I’ve installed Linux on it (for you geeks: Gentoo Linux), and it already serves a couple of websites. Some of them I’ve allowed to be hosted for free simply to make sure everything works properly before setting up paid hosting accounts on it. I’ll get there eventually, I suppose.

I also have rented two seperate Linode servers, physically located in Dallas, Texas. One of them serves as a secondary nameserver (where the one located downtown is the primary) and as a webserver for certain accounts, and the other will eventually serve as an online control panel for all my customers (with a secure connection and everything). The latter being created entirely by myself. That’ll be quite a challenge.