Posts Tagged ‘laptop upgrade’

Upgrade complete (well, sort of)

02.11.2011 02:42

When I got home from work on Friday, I basically did all I needed to get done before taking a long break. After all, once I shut it down, I wouldn’t be able to use it properly for at least 12 hours. And honestly, installing a computer from scratch takes time, especially when you’re supposed to transfer old data and settings to the fresh install.

Let me just guide you through my experience, shall we?

Components to install:

Installation media (all from the Microsoft Partner Network):

  • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, 32-bit, DVD
  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, DVD
  • Microsoft Visio Professional 2010, DVD
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, DVD (only used to install the client software)
  • Microsoft Project Professional 2010

In addition, I had downloaded an installation file for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional. The day before, I had received full license keys from my boss, who had to fetch them from the Microsoft Partner Network website (using his login). You know, so it’s all official, and not pirated.

Tools used:

  • Philips head screwdriver, long (for the smallest screws)
  • Philips head screwdriver, wider (for the slightly larger screws)
  • Flat head screwdriver (to pry open the lid after unscrewing)
  • Kama Connect IDE/SATA-to-USB adapter (to transfer data out from the old harddrive)
  • Small soft towel (to minimize pressure on the laptop screen while pushing down to screw/unscrew)

And, of course, plenty of lights and patience. Speaking of which, additional supplies:

  • Lethal Weapon 1-4 on DVD (to pass time while everything is being installed)

From the time I started clearing my workspace (read: desk) so I could replace the hardware properly, and until Windows 7 and Office 2010 was installed, including all updates from Windows Update, about 6 hours had passed. And since I started about half an hour past midnight, I was going strong-ish until about 7am Saturday morning. On any given Saturday morning, I’m usually asleep at this time, but I stayed up all night on this one. Most of Saturday was spent transferring documents, pictures, music and web files (local copies of websites I’m working on), but these could be left pretty much unattended, so I was able to have a little social time with my family.

I did snap a few photos during the Friday night upgrade (hardware and base software install) using my phone camera, and they’re all up on my Flickr account, in their own photo set.

IMAG0152 IMAG0173 IMAG0177 IMAG0178

Even closer to the upgrade…

28.10.2011 01:55

So I was able to pick up my package today, although it was a little smaller than I imagined. Then again, I don’t think I’ve ever replaced a harddrive in a laptop before, so the fact that this was considerably smaller than what I’m used to when thinking about “harddrives” probably had something to do with it.

Also, by the time I got to the office, I had received an e-mail from my boss with the license keys I had requested. The upgrade is on for this weekend!

When I left the office today, I made sure to make a print-out of the license keys and take the installation DVDs/CDs with me home, just in case I had the time and the urge to perform the upgrade already today. Needless to say, I never got the time to do something about it today.

I did, however, do a test disassembly of my laptop after I got home, just to get a complete overview of where the components were located, and what screws to unscrew when the time finally comes (and, of course, to be even more sure that I had the right components and equipment to get through the upgrade).

Then again, I was able to perform a backup of all the games and software I can’t get anywhere else before I went to bed, just to be even more prepared.

I’m looking even more forward to get started on Saturday.

Almost upgrade time!

27.10.2011 00:46

Last week, I decided to go through with upgrading my laptop. The laptop is a 3 years old Dell Studio 1535, with 250 GB hard drive space and 3 GB RAM. After some research, I found that it currently has two RAM modules installed (one 2 GB and one 1 GB), and supports a maximum of 4 GB, meaning, I’ll be replacing the 1 GB module with a 2 GB one, maxing out what the laptop can handle. I also went with a new 500 GB hard drive, doubling the total capacity it can handle. Last, but not least, I threw in a 8 GB USB memory stick for good measure. It will come in handy when transferring somewhat large amount of data.

I finally got a message from the postal service that it was almost here:

Meaning, the package is ready to be picked up tomorrow. And since I just found out that the downtown post office had spent the last few days moving to another location, which would become just a few minutes away from where I work, it won’t even be a detour during my lunch break.

I might even get brand new software for my upgrade from my workplace, too. Today, the laptop has Windows Vista Ultimate and Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate, amongst other things, and through my office, I have access to Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010. I just have to ask my boss for the license keys, and it looks like I’ll go for the Windows 7 Professional and Office Professional Plus 2010 editions, since our company’s subscription package includes more than one license for these two. Our company only has one single license for the Ultimate edition of Windows 7, and I don’t want to be the one hogging this particular one. Besides, the differences between “Professional” and “Ultimate” aren’t that much of a deal anyway.

If I get the license keys secured before the weekend, I’ll be spending the weekend upgrading and reinstalling software, and start next week with a renewed laptop.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Or, at least somewhat, since my laptop won’t exactly be online while I’m doing this.